from £8.50
This is the first of the Potash farm cosmetics range and is a soap with a lovely fragrance of geranium and Kentish lavender. It's made with luxurious vegetable oils to condition and protect the skin while gently cleansing the surface layer. This allows skin to renew and repair itself from the deeper layers as nature intended. It's excellent for those with sensitive skins.
from £12.50
A Walnut is an edible nut often encased in a smooth green husk and mainly grown in California, France and Italy. These Walnuts have been specially selected by Potash Farm for quality, size, ease of cracking, and good flavour.
from £25.00
Sweet warm woody cobnut fragrance with strong roast coffee notes.
These salad servers are made from Kentish hazel trees, which are hand harvested on a coppice cycle. Coppiced hazel is very fast growing and is a strong and light wood as well as being a renewable resource that promotes woodland wildlife.
from £6.50
This luxury handmade marmalade is made with the finest of
ingredients and is a real treat to have with croissants or toast. It makes an ideal gift for Valentines Day, Mothering Sunday, Easter or at Christmas.
from £10.95
Potash farm have just launched their luxury Kentish Cobnut and Kentish Bramley Apple Granola Muesli with no added sugar or salt. It is made with the highest quality ingredients with the famous Potash farm cobnuts and the Bramley apples grown at Perry court Wye in Kent. It comes in an excellent recyclable and resealable bag containing 750g.
sale £17.00
This attractive gift bag includes one jar of each of the Handmade
Rhubarb and Ginger Chutney with Kentish Cobnuts, Handmade Seville Orange
Marmalade with Whisky and Kentish Cobnuts and the Spicy Red Onion Chutney with Kentish Cobnuts. Attractively
presented in this fine display bag it again makes an ideal gift for
Valentines Day, Mothering Sunday, Easter or at Christmas.
from £12.50
A Cobnut is a type of hazelnut traditionally grown in Kent. They are
harvested in their green state from mid August and with brown shells and
husks by mid October. All the Cobnuts are sold dehusked from mid October onward.
from £17.50
Zesty lime, with powdery basil and sweet mandarin give this fragrance a lively, fresh aroma. A perfect scent for livening up a room, or invigorating linens.
A life times collection was purchased by Alexander Hunt from a family in Bromley and they vary in size, colour and decoration. Many are Georgian and Victorian and make an ideal but simple gift.