St Mary's Platt Church Christmas Fayre
Long Mill Ln, St Mary's Platt, Sevenoaks
TN15 8NE
from £8.50
This is the first of the Potash farm cosmetics range and is a soap with a lovely fragrance of geranium and Kentish lavender. It's made with luxurious vegetable oils to condition and protect the skin while gently cleansing the surface layer. This allows skin to renew and repair itself from the deeper layers as nature intended. It's excellent for those with sensitive skins.
from £25.00
Sweet warm woody cobnut fragrance with strong roast coffee notes.
sale £17.00
This attractive gift bag includes one jar of each of the Handmade
Rhubarb and Ginger Chutney with Kentish Cobnuts, Handmade Seville Orange
Marmalade with Whisky and Kentish Cobnuts and the Spicy Red Onion Chutney with Kentish Cobnuts. Attractively
presented in this fine display bag it again makes an ideal gift for
Valentines Day, Mothering Sunday, Easter or at Christmas.
from £6.50
This is the first of the Potash Farm nut mustards. It has a great yellow colour with a good crunchy texture. It is excellent with all cold meats and cheeses.
This includes the Cane Hamper Basket, (8 Items) - Fudge, Brittle, 3 X Chutneys, 100g Choc Bar, Small Gift Bags Cobnuts & Walnuts
from £5.95
"Potash Farm makes lots of lovely things from Kentish Cobnuts - we can't get enough of its, buttery, sweet and salty Cobnut Brittle."
BBC Olive Magazine
Due to popular customer demand by selling the organic Chestnuts in the
lead up to Christmas the Chestnut roasters are another speciality of the
Potash Farm range of gifts.
These decorative Walnuts can be placed in a bowl arranged on
their own or incorporated into flower arrangements, pot plants,
Christmas Stockings or sprinkled over a fruit or nut bowl, greatly
enhancing the contents.
from £6.95
This sauce is an excellent colour and can be served either hot or cold with turkey, chicken, duck, pheasant or partridge. It is also very good in sandwiches or with Camembert and Brie.
When planting any nut or fruit tree it is strongly advisable to stake, tie and guard the tree. The walnut tree co now provides a tailor made machined tree stake 150 cm/50 mm, strong soft rubber tie and wire tree guard 2 ft by 2 ft . The cost of this complete pack is £15.00 inc. VAT for each tree station.