The Walnut Tree Company
Potash Farm

8th 9th August 2021

The Great Comp Summer Show

Great Comp Garden, Comp Lane, Platt, Sevenoaks, Kent

TN15 8QS

Some Of Our Products
Luxury Hand Sanitiser with Thieves Oil

Luxury Hand Sanitiser with Thieves Oil

from £13.50

At Potash Farm, we have blended Thieves oil, which is a blend of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus and Rosemary essential oils with our nourishing Cobnut oil to produce a lovely hand sanitiser.
Coffee And Walnut Candle

Coffee And Walnut Candle

from £19.50

A velvety blend of dark roast coffee, blended with crushed walnuts, maple and hints of vanilla.
Hand Forged Chestnut Roaster

Hand Forged Chestnut Roaster


Due to popular customer demand by selling the organic chestnuts in the lead up to Christmas the chestnut roasters are another speciality of the Potash Farm range of gifts.
Pot Grown Gunselburt Cobnut Trees

Pot Grown Gunselburt Cobnut Trees


These trees on average are three years old and are between 1m and 1.5m high. They are feathered with branches and are ideal for those wishing to extend their home orchard areas or for pot grown containers on patios/terraces.
Dehusked Kentish Cobnuts Gift Bags

Dehusked Kentish Cobnuts Gift Bags

from £6.00

These are another speciality of the Potash Farm range of gifts. Attractively presented within the bag are dehusked nuts. These make an excellent Christmas, Easter, or one-off gift and are available in two sizes.
Luxury Hand Sanitiser with Lavender Oil

Luxury Hand Sanitiser with Lavender Oil

from £13.50

At Potash Farm, we have blended Lavender essential oil with our nourishing Cobnut oil to produce a lovely hand sanitiser.
Farm Produced Pecan Nut Gift Bags

Farm Produced Pecan Nut Gift Bags

from £9.00

Due to popular customer demand these Pecans are another specialty of the Potash Farm range of gifts. Attractively presented within the bag are the Pecan nuts. They make a traditional and excellent Christmas, Easter or one-off gift, available in two sizes.
Handmade Seville Orange Marmalade with Whisky and Kentish Cobnuts

Handmade Seville Orange Marmalade with Whisky and Kentish Cobnuts

from £6.50

This luxury handmade marmalade is made with the finest of ingredients and is a real treat to have with croissants or toast. It makes an ideal gift for Valentines Day, Mothering Sunday, Easter or at Christmas.
Smoked Sea Salt And Kentish Cobnut Brittle

Smoked Sea Salt And Kentish Cobnut Brittle

from £5.95

"Potash Farm makes lots of lovely things from Kentish Cobnuts - we can't get enough of its, buttery, sweet and salty Cobnut Brittle."
BBC Olive Magazine
Cooking With Walnuts

Cooking With Walnuts


Cooking with Walnuts is a new book by Ann Olley, which features 113 recipes that use this most versatile and flavoursome nut.
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